7 very good podcasts about relationships and love 

Podcasts are so popular because you can easily use the time in traffic jams, during sports or on the train to learn something new and be entertained in an enjoyable way. 

If you are interested in podcasts about relationships, dating and love, we recommend the following great podcasts: 

  1. "ONE HOUR OF LOVE" (Deutschlandfunk Nova)
  2. "That's just the way I am! The podcast for normal people" (Stefanie Stahl)
  3. "Hello lovers" (Dr. Sharon Brehm)
  4. "IN LOVE" Podcast (Stella Schultner)
  5. "Couple psychology" (Anouk Algermissen)
  6. "Better data" (Pia Kabitschz)
  7. "Ready for the coach" (Sabine Bimmler")

Not a classic podcast, but a series that you can both watch in the ARD Mediathek and listen to in the ARD Audiothek: Couples therapy with Eric Hegmann. 

Have fun listening!

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